Friday, August 06, 2004

Here and There

You should always keep one eye open and one eye closed. This way you can guide your self through the machinations of this world by using your unconscious and you subconscious too. I know to do this appears difficult, how do you after all sleep with one eye open? But as these is really the only way to go you have no choice you must do it, simply put just don’t sleep as much just don’t sleep as much, wake yourself up before you’ve done all your sleep, and park your mind in the here and your mind’s eye in the there and it is as simple as all that. The rest just happens naturally, poets do just this you know, and it works for them rather well, though they not make much a living from it as it is hard to cash a check from here and there.

But just you know that only those that are near and far, here and there are the ones that walk this earth with the creative bends, and so next time you see one of us, all kind of not here or there, you know to drop a coin in our bag and let us stumble unto thee.

Good day.